Technology is an integral part of our world today.
Kids intuitively pick things up quickly and effortlessly. And with the right support and access to resources, they can move swiftly from consuming content to creating their own—coding in Scratch, mastering paper circuitry with copper tape, batteries, and circuit stickers, building robots, even making their own computers to play Minecraft (see A Mighty Girl Piper review).
But that’s not the whole story, is it?
At the same time, young people today face formidable forces designed to attract and hold their attention—forces that frequently put corporate interests ahead of what’s best for growing young humans. What’s a parent to do?
How do you step out of the role of policing and help your tween or teenager gain strategies and savvy required today to set their own goals and make healthy, informed choices about technology and their attention?
I coach tweens and teens in strategies to:
- investigate what’s working and what’s not in their relationship with technology
- identify attentional, social, and emotional challenges with social media
- understand and manage brain chemistry/technology feedback loops
- strengthen relationships and improve face-to-face relationship skills
- improve goal setting, self-monitoring, and personal accountability
- reduce stress and anxiety
- enhance focus and concentration, self-organization, and time management necessary for a mindful digital life today
I offer coaching with young people online (with Zoom or FaceTime video conferencing). If you are interested in your tween or teen working with me one-on-one, I invite you to schedule a free 30-minute Q&A video call. Let’s explore how I can help.
Q&A Call Questionnaire
Please answer a few questions to help me prepare for our call.
(All fields below are required.)
Thank you for taking the time to tune me in to what’s up for you. I look forward to connecting.