Good heavens. What insect could suck it? —Charles Darwin
I’m going to keep this post very simple today. I’d like you to meet Carlton Ward, Jr., conservation photographer, Mac Stone, conservation photographer, Peter Houlihan, tropical ecologist, and their film crew. Their film, Chasing Ghosts is the winner of Best Ecosystem Film – Short Form and Best Science in Nature Film – Short Form at the 2020 Jackson Wild Media Awards. I follow Carlton on Instagram. His work focuses on saving the Florida Wildlife Corridor.
This film is 15 minutes and 36 seconds long. You will meet meet the Super Ghost (orchid), the mystery of its pollinator, and some fiercely dedicated humans. Watch it with your families and/or students—it is awe-inspiring. We especially need role models like this crew today.

Please note: I subscribe to Premium YouTube so I can watch videos without ads. If you have children, the 11.99 m subscription fee for one device is a very good investment, especially if you have younger children. Otherwise, mute the device during ads. I recommend viewing on a larger screen than a phone if possible.
Pulitzer Center in launching “The 1619 Project” Educator Network. They are accepting applications by March 15 to join the inaugural cohort and for grants for educators to support curriculum development. More information here.