You probably noticed that the IPCC’s 3rd installation of the Sixth Assessment Report was released at the beginning of April. Volumes 1 and 2 focused on causes and impacts. This one focuses on mitigation. Have you opened the report? I did. The full report is 2,913 pages long, guaranteed to make your head spin. I do recommend opening the main page where you can read various high level summaries, or view select chapters and supplemental materials.
Scientists Miriam Nielson and Dr. Adam Levy break the IPCC reports down for us, in a series of short videos. Here is their 8-minute video on the latest IPCC report. This video points you at the end to Miriam’s videos on parts 1 and 2, and @ClimateAdam’s video “Why the IPCC climate reports are so important.” (Adam gives a great explanation of the issues involved with the Summary for Policy Makers included in each volume, complete with costumes.)
I recommend Miriam and Adam to help you engage the IPCC reports with your family, students, and friends. It’s tough to engage. This pair of dedicated humans will help.
Additional resources for a deeper dive
Yale Climate Connection’s report on the report (sign up for YCC’s email list if you haven’t)
A post from Wired on climate and the war in Ukraine (with a ray of light at the end)