It is a rare opportunity to have a front-row seat to see the future. Claudia L’Amoreaux has provided that for those of us fortunate to have followed her work for many years.—Eileen Clegg, Founder, Visual Insight
Claudia’s [SENG] presentation was a great balanced view in managing technology in our lives, while remembering our basic communicative skills of conversation and communion along with being mindful of our physical place and connection to nature .—Edward Chen, Director of Technology, The Nueva School
Selected Presentations and Publications
- GHFlearners.org, What is Mindful Digital Life in 2021? March 19, 2021, Zoom interview
- Slow Art Day, SFMOMA Artists Gallery, San Francisco, April 2019, facilitator
- Albany Library, Parenting Children in a Digital Age—Creating the Foundations for a Mindful Digital Life, Albany, CA, January 2019, workshop presenter
- Family Sanity, Mindful Parenting in a Digital World, Oakland, CA, January 2019, speaker
- Parenting University, Julia Morgan School for Girls, Oakland, CA, October 2018, workshop presenter
- Parenting University, Julia Morgan School for Girls, Oakland, CA, November 2017, workshop presenter
- Helios School, Sunnyvale, CA, November 2017, Parents Community, workshop presenter
- Parent University: Strategies and Resources for Raising Successful Children, Castro Valley Unified School District, October 2017, workshop presenter
- SENG Webinar, Parenting Adventures in the Digital Realm, September 2017, speaker
- California Homeschool Conference, Parenting Adventures in the Digital Realm, Burlingame, July 2016, speaker
- Stanford Center for Opportunity Policy (SCOPE), New Ways to Teach and Learn for Student Engagement, Palo Alto, April, 2015, panelist
- Silicon Vikings SIG on Entrepreneurship and Learning, Future of Higher Education and MOOCs, Palo Alto, June 2013, panelist
- DOE’s Connected Educator Month, Giving Credit Where Credit is Due, webinar, August 2012, panelist
- Federal Consortium of Virtual Worlds, Defense University, Washington DC, May 2011, panelist
- Symposium on Next Generation Teaching & Learning, UC Berkeley, CA, April 2010, panelist
- Discovery Educator Network National Institute, Sausalito, CA, July 2009, Creativity Engine for Innovation, speaker
- BPC/NCWIT K-12 Outreach Workshop, Crystal City, VA, June 2009, Girls, Science and Second Life, speaker
- The Nueva School, Hillsborough, CA, April 2009, Innovating 21st Century Education, speaker
- NSF Taxonomy of Virtual Worlds, March 2009, Philadelphia, PA, STEM Learning in Second Life, speaker
- ReLive, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK, November 2008, panelist
- Holland Open, Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 2008, keynote: Open Mind
- Smithsonian Storytelling Symposium, Washington, DC, Storytelling in the Metaverse, May 2008, speaker
- CoSN International Symposium, Arlington, VA, March 2008, Bringing Web 2.0 Innovation to our Schools: Leadership and Policy Challenges, panelist
- Tech Training Solutions, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 2007, keynote: Get a Second Life
- YPulse Mashup Conference, San Francisco, CA, September 2007, The New School, panelist
- Next Generation Exploration Conference, NASA Ames Research Center, August 2006, speaker
- Invited expert for University of California Santa Cruz Distance Learning Forum, November 2000
- Presentation at Virginia Polytechnic University on designing distributed learning networks, July 2000
- Co-author, Creating Learning Communities (Solomon Press, 2000)

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