Words elude me today.
I chop wood
carry water
tending to laundry
washing dishes
feeding dog.
Vertical blinds
tap each other in the breeze
click clicking.
A mockingbird shouts
about I don’t know what.
One word surfaces like a
bubble floating to the surface of a pond:
Another word joins with…
Offering solace.
And a flow unlocks…
Gratitude for all
the beings working
to further kindness
and understanding
Look to the roots.
The photo above is of a photograph I had enlarged to hang in my office. I moved out of my office in 2020 as many people with offices did. It now hangs behind me in my home office/living room that doubles as an art studio and maker space when my granddaughter comes to visit. Notice the second tree from the right—you might be able to spot the dark entrance to the interior of that giant elder. The diameter inside must be at least 12 feet. Standing in there, I could actually hear a deep grounding tone. When I walked back outside, profoundly moved, I took this photo.
Powers of Ten, written and directed by Charles and Ray Eames, a classic masterpiece first released in 1968. If you haven’t seen it, watch it. And if you have seen it, watch it again now for a perspective shift.
Mindful Movement for Young Learners, a 5-minute video produced by the Center for Healthy Minds. Lisa Thomas Prince, a contributor to the Healthy Minds Kindness Curriculum, shares a practice for young learners to promote well-being. I love how these simple movements based on various animals naturally incorporate calming breath.
Learning for Justice, a project of the Southern Poverty Law Center. Explore the abundance of free educational resources they provide on a wide range of topics, including the recent Buffalo shooting and gun violence in schools.
And the Maker award for the month goes to Ryan Honary, age 14, for developing a remote wildfire sensor. Read about Ryan and his invention here.