For those of you who read the brief chickadee and the bird bath anecdote in a previous post, the chickadees never showed up. But a few days ago, a Steller’s jay braved landing on the small, hanging bird bath and took a big drink. She or he made a very unique two-part comment—not the usual call I hear them make. (He? She? After checking 3 of my mother’s bird books and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology website, I found nothing about how to tell the difference between a male and female…so I brought out the big guns…Birds of the Sierra Nevada—Their Natural History, Status, and Distribution by Edward C. Beedy and Edward R. Pandofino, illustrated by Keith Hansen (I bought my copy from Keith in his studio in Bolinas, California). [Read more…] about What does a bird bath have to do with a mindful digital life?
Mindfully Digital
Mindful tech—building trust one conversation at a time
What are your models for conversation? I’m rereading Sherry Turkle’s book, Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age. Sherry Turkle has been studying human-technology interaction for 30+ years. She shares a lot of insights from her work in her newest book.
In this passage from the book she reflects on the Oxford English Dictionary definition of conversation: [Read more…] about Mindful tech—building trust one conversation at a time
So what is it about Facebook that you love? Or not…
Imagine you have a really open and ongoing conversation in the household about your relationships with technology. Maybe the conversation started as a formal weekly event around the kitchen table where everyone shows up to share, listen, and discuss—perhaps something like Tech Talk Tuesday.
Now, if you’re a Facebook user and you have a tween or teen, consider having a conversation in which you share your Facebook feed—you actually walk through it with your family members, noticing and disclosing how you feel about each post. Think of it as an Investigation. [Read more…] about So what is it about Facebook that you love? Or not…
Parenting in the creative tension with technology
When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe.”
—John Muir, My First Summer in the Sierra
I’m up early here in Northern California, before the sun. The wind is audible. The air is hard to breathe. Checking the EPA’s AirNow site for my area, the air quality is in the red Unhealthy zone with a warning that “everyone may begin to experience health effects,” not just sensitive populations. I watched the Sonoma County Sheriff’s Department fire briefing streamed live from their Facebook page yesterday to get a better understanding of what my many friends who live in the area north of me are facing. I’ve checked in with all of them by email and Facebook. [Read more…] about Parenting in the creative tension with technology
3 Crucial Navigation Skills for a Mindful Digital Life
This past week I ran across a short post written by educator Beth Holland for Edutopia, the newsletter of the George Lucas Educational Foundation. Her post—”How Much Screen Time? That’s the Wrong Question”—thrilled me. Seriously. I especially appreciated the title. Beth hit my personal mission to change how we relate to “screen time” AND she referenced a book that underpins a lot of my own work—The Triple Focus: A New Approach to Education, by Daniel Goleman and Peter Senge. [Read more…] about 3 Crucial Navigation Skills for a Mindful Digital Life
Small Steps to Grow Your Sense of Place
In my last post, I wrote about how I consider Co-Creative Conversation and Investigations as foundational practices for Mindful Digital Life. I mentioned I would write about an ongoing Mindful Digital Life Investigation I call Grow Your Sense of Place.
This might seem a bit counterintuitive considering Mindful Digital Life. It is. One of the basic moves you practice In the martial art of Aikido is Tai No Henko (translation: “body change” or “body change direction”)—the “turning” or “blending” exercise. When someone is coming directly at you, you meet their energy with strong grounded hips, and turn them in the direction you want to go. You change yourself and blend with their energy. [Read more…] about Small Steps to Grow Your Sense of Place
Submerged to Emerged—Investigations in the Great Info Ocean
Take a minute to consider a conversation you’ve had with your kids or family members that went really well—any conversation, not just about technology or digital life. Bring to mind the qualities that were present that contributed to the success of that conversation.
I consider the practice of Co-Creative Conversation a foundation for Mindful Digital Life. This practice can help us to build a family culture of genuine conversation about our lives in the digital realm—providing a safe space to test and clarify ideas, where over time, we can develop mindfulness…in particular, a curious and kind inner voice that can notice, reflect, and choose. In my experience, Mindful Digital Life flourishes in trust. And Co-Creative Conversation is the crucible of trust-building. [Read more…] about Submerged to Emerged—Investigations in the Great Info Ocean
I’m thinking about paper books in a digital world
I moved three times in rapid succession in 2010. I’d finally bought a set of floor-to-ceiling bookshelves for home 1. I placed them in the narrow hallway—the only spot in the small abode that had room for them. I recall that putting out the books on those shelves was an event full of encounters with old friends—the authors and the books themselves.
Then I had to move. I could deal with packing up all of those books in boxes for a moving truck to haul, then carrying boxes up 2 flights of stairs to my new space in home 1. But now I had to do it again. I did it. Whew. Home 2.
Then I had to move again. I thought I didn’t really like digital books, which is funny because I’m “an early adopter.” But standing there in front of the bookshelves with boxes half packed, I vowed on the spot that I would not buy another paper book, and I would sell and give away whatever books I owned that were just gathering dust.
I now have 409 digital books on my phone…which brings me in my story to the book, Thunder & Lightning—Weather, Past, Present, Future. [Read more…] about I’m thinking about paper books in a digital world